Welcome to Immersion Island!
Kids of all ages benefit from a stay on Immersion Island.
Summer camp has a positive impact that lasts a lifetime!
It’s also a great way to improve our children's social and leadership skills while aiding them in developing a positive self identity.
On Immersion Island, we take camp one step further and provide a place where campers enjoy all the great adventures camp has to offer, while exploring the language and cultures of other countries. Learning a new language gives campers additional advantages academically and opens up a world of opportunity as they grow older. Whether a camper is just beginning to take interest in another language or speaks one fluently, they will treasure their time spent on Immersion Island and reap the benefits for years to come.
Learning through Experience

Immersion Island is a fun place to learn a new language.
We engage in an array of activities to help build proficiency in speaking and comprehension, often the most challenging skills of language learning
On Immersion Island, we give campers the opportunity to grow their speaking and comprehension skills under the guidance of native and native-ability counselors, teachers and other staff with valuable international backgrounds to ensure our campers’ experience is as authentic as possible. By "immersing" campers in a fun and engaging environment where a world language is the primary tongue, they develop an emotional connection based on real-life experiences. This leads to greater retention rates, improved confidence and happy campers!
Developing Life-Long Learners with Big Aspirations

Camp Changes Lives, Creates Leaders and Inspires Creativity.
There are many benefits of attending a camp. Whether your child goes for a week during the day, or the entire summer, when they return home they will be different.
At camp, your child may discover a new passion or creativity that paves the road toward an amazing future. They may gain new leadership skills and develop a sense of confidence and self-reliance that lay the foundation for academic excellence. Or perhaps they just realize there is life beyond the cell phone and get more involved socially.
According to The American Camp Association, “ Camp is the perfect partner to family, school, and community youth activities in helping your child learn independence, decision-making, social and emotional skills, character building and values - all in an atmosphere of creativity and enrichment under the supervision of positive adult role models.“ On Immersion Island, we go one step further and immerse your child in the world languages and cultures.