Camp Day
Our daily schedule gives campers plenty of fun activities and a well-organized routine.
We have a pool so we will have plenty fun in the sun.
A typical day at day camp is as follows. (Overnight camp notes in parenthesis)
Warm up/ arrival activities (Overnight camp breakfast)
Daily cultural presentation. Country and themes of day, etc.
Conversation activities including groups, role play, and more
Arts and crafts representing authentic crafts of the language’s country(ies)
Snack – authentic foods from the country of the week or day.
Outdoor games including daily vocabulary/themes and sports
Lunch at typical “Latin” time in Spanish camp (2 p.m.!) We sit down and have culturally specific formal meals together with a lot of conversation as in your casa in “Tia Juana” or a château in France.
15 minutes of English
Siesta / Rest and store time
Song and Dance
More conversation activities / role play, etc.
Good-bye for day campers (Outdoor games and sports for overnight camps)
Lunch may include empanadas, pan de queso, arroz con leche, tortilla española and poutine.
Campers loving the evenings festivities!
Overnight campers enjoy more conversation activities, games and songs.
Dinner / Evening themed activity
Game night;
Campfire night;
Movie night;
Dance party night; and
much more…
Lights out 10 p.m. We usually have very tired campers heading to bed at 9 p.m.